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case studies

IIASA Collaboration: An Interactive Map for COVID-19 Public Policy Decisions
IIASA Collaboration: An Interactive Map for COVID-19 Public Policy Decisions
Appsilon created a dashboard in collaboration the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis to deliver information about COVID-19 to policymakers. We implemented the solution with Python and Svelte.
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Satellite Image Analysis with for Disaster Recovery
Satellite Image Analysis with for Disaster Recovery
In this article, we focus on the technical aspects of the machine learning solution we implemented for the xView2 competition. We used PyTorch to build our models for satellite image analysis and to develop their critical parts.
Marek Rogala
Marek Rogala
Data for Good: AI for Wildlife Image Classification to Analyze Camera Trap Datasets
Data for Good: AI for Wildlife Image Classification to Analyze Camera Trap Datasets
As part of our D4G Initiative and with the support of a Google grant, Appsilon Data Science will be contributing to to the work of biodiversity conservationists at the National Parks Agency in Gabon in collaboration with the University of Stirling.
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Using AI to Identify Wildlife in Camera Trap Images from the Serengeti
Using AI to Identify Wildlife in Camera Trap Images from the Serengeti
We recently took part in Hakuna-ma Data, a competition organised by DrivenData in partnership with Microsoft’s AI for Earth, which asked participants to build an algorithm for wildlife detection that would generalise well across time and locations...
Marek Rogala
Marek Rogala
Data for Good: A decision support system for disaster risk management in Madagascar
Data for Good: A decision support system for disaster risk management in Madagascar
Climate change will exacerbate the consequences of natural disasters. Developing countries will be hit the hardest. We helped Dr. Junko Mochizuki build a decision support tool for policymakers in Madagascar to better mitigate this risk.
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Tadeusz Bara-Slupski
Data Quality Case Studies: How We Saved Clients Real Money Thanks to Data Validation
Data Quality Case Studies: How We Saved Clients Real Money Thanks to Data Validation
Data scientists must check if the story behind the data makes sense. This requires business knowledge about the data. It's our responsibility to be curious, to explore and challenge to avoid logical problems in the data to save clients money.
Paweł Przytuła
Paweł Przytuła
Recognizing Animals in Photos: Building an AI Model for Object Recognition
Recognizing Animals in Photos: Building an AI Model for Object Recognition
Our CTO used transfer learning to build an object detection model on a small dataset - the model can recognize certain animals in images.
Marek Rogala
Marek Rogala
How to hack competition by monitoring real estate market data
How to hack competition by monitoring real estate market data
Many real estate developers use online systems for sales. Things become interesting when all available data is monitored on a weekly basis, and sales progress is analysed.
Paweł Przytuła
Paweł Przytuła
Guide to GPU-accelerated Ship Recognition in Satellite Imagery Using Keras and R (part II)
Guide to GPU-accelerated Ship Recognition in Satellite Imagery Using Keras and R (part II)
Tutorial on how to use Keras to analyze satellite imagery, pt 2/2.
Appsilon Team
Appsilon Team
Guide to GPU-accelerated Ship Recognition in Satellite Imagery Using Keras and R (part I)
Guide to GPU-accelerated Ship Recognition in Satellite Imagery Using Keras and R (part I)
Tutorial on how to use Keras to analyze satellite imagery, pt 1/2.
Appsilon Team
Appsilon Team
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