Appsilon's Top 10 Sessions to Check Out at posit::conf 2023

<h1>Appsilon's Top 10 Picks for the Upcoming posit::conf 2023</h1> The posit::conf 2023 event is on the horizon, and the Appsilon team is brimming with excitement as they unveil their selection of the most anticipated sessions. CEO Filip Stachura, President Damian Rodziewicz, and COO Paweł Przytuła have thoughtfully curated a list of talks that are bound to captivate your interest in the midst of an overall conference agenda that is nothing short of amazing. With so many exceptional talks to choose from, the task of selecting just a few has been a delightful challenge. <h2>Appsilon Staff Picks</h2><ol><li><b> "Developing a Prototyping Competency in a Statistical Science Organization" [TALK-1059]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Daniel Woody, Eli Lilly <blockquote>Damian's Insight: Rapid prototyping is the key to crafting successful Shiny applications in production. With the right tools and approach, you can start small and create an application that resonates with your users.</blockquote> <ol start="2"><li><b> "The Power of Prototyping in R Shiny: Saving Millions by Building the Right Tool" [TALK-1125]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Maria Grycuk, Appsilon <blockquote>Paweł's Take: Maria's presentation aligns perfectly with our commitment to crafting efficient and cost-effective Shiny tools for our clients. Prototyping in large organizations has a profound impact on business outcomes.</blockquote> <ol start="3"><li><b> "Succeed in the Life Sciences with R/Python and the Cloud" [TALK-1069]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Colby Ford, Tuple, LLC / Amissa, Inc / University of North Carolina at Charlotte <blockquote>Paweł's Interest: I'm particularly intrigued by how R/Python is being effectively implemented in Life Sciences. I'm also looking forward to networking with like-minded individuals who share an interest in this topic.</blockquote> <ol start="4"><li><b> "Shiny Developer Secrets: Insights From Over 1200 Applicants and What You MUST Know to Shine" [TALK-1173]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Vedha Viyash, Appsilon <blockquote>Paweł's Perspective: Vedha's talk promises to deliver a wealth of knowledge on becoming a top-tier R/Shiny developer.</blockquote> <ol start="5"><li><b> "From Novices to Experts: Building a Community of Engaged R Users" [TALK-1066]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Natalia Andriychuk, Pfizer <blockquote>Damian's Remark: Even if you create an application that delivers significant value to your organization, user adoption is paramount and often underestimated. Learning how to ensure user engagement drives innovation.</blockquote> <ol start="6"><li><b> "Open Source Solutions to Next-Generation Submissions, After 30 Years of Industry Experience" [TALK-1067]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Mike K Smith, Pfizer R&D UK Ltd <blockquote>Damian's Perspective: Open Source is the bedrock of our community's strength. R is revolutionizing the Life Sciences industry, enabling dynamic and rapid innovation, directly aligning with Appsilon's mission to advance technology to preserve and improve human life.</blockquote> <ol start="7"><li><b> "The Need for Speed - AccelerateR R Adoption in GSK" [TALK-1068]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Ben Arancibia, GSK <blockquote>Damian's Insight: The significance of user adoption is often underestimated in the development process. Understanding how to ensure active user engagement fuels innovation within your organization.</blockquote> <ol start="8"><li><b> "Running R-Shiny without a Server" [TALK-1151]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Joe Cheng, Posit <blockquote>Damian's Take: "R-Shiny without a server" takes Shiny to a whole new level. At Appsilon, we're already experimenting with this technology to simplify and expedite FDA submissions.</blockquote> <ol start="9"><li><b> "From Concept to Impact: Building and Launching Shiny Apps in the Workplace" [TALK-1074]</b></li></ol> Presenter: Tiger Tang, CARFAX <blockquote>Filip's Perspective: Identifying and assessing valuable use cases, rather than creating applications no one needs, is crucial. Being close to users is equally important.</blockquote> <ol start="10"><li><b> Technical Insights on DuckDB:</b></li></ol> <ul><li> "In-Process Analytical Data Management with DuckDB" [TALK-1099] by Hannes Muhleisen, DuckDB Labs</li><li> "duckplyr: Tight Integration of duckdb with R and the tidyverse" [TALK-1100] by Kirill Muller, cynkra GmbH</li><li> "Siuba and duckdb: Analyzing Everything Everywhere All at Once" [TALK-1101] by Michael Chow, Posit</li></ul> <blockquote>Filip's Note: The series of talks about duckDB is promising and aligns with our growing interest in this technology.</blockquote> posit::conf 2023 promises to be an exceptional event, and the Appsilon team is eagerly looking forward to these sessions, which reflect our dedication to excellence, community-building, and open-source initiatives. Additionally, we're thrilled to announce that five of these talks will be presented by Appsilon team members: Maria Grycuk, Alexandros Kouratsis, Michał Parkoła, Vedha Viyash, and Ryszard Szymański. We invite you to join us for these insightful presentations and engage in valuable discussions. As the conference unfolds, Appsilon extends a warm invitation to all attendees to visit our booth and connect with us. We look forward to meeting you all! Stay tuned for more updates from Appsilon at posit::conf 2023!